
I moved like that so that the opposition didn't know where my next shot was coming from and be laying in wait for me.It took maybe 15 minutes for me to kill the other two shooters, but calm finally returned to the saloon. Once the battle was over, the onlookers poured back into the saloon and bellied up to the bar for a drink to celebrate a good show. Maddog didn't have a marshal, so I didn't have to explain myself to anybody except Joe, who was incensed that I had fought a battle without him.Joe finally calmed down and said that he had found a potential agent whom he wanted me to meet. We met in one of the other saloons, and I agreed that this man was acceptable. As soon as he came to Willow Run to sign the contract, we were up to 6 loan agents. Parson County Finance Company was growing fast.Maddog didn't have an active loan shark in residence that we could find, so we moved on to the next town, which was within reach before it got too dark. We stopped by the hotel in Simpson's. Was she angry? Ashamed? I couldn’t tell. I only feared things would never be the same again.Next to my car keys I found a valet parking ticket. I guessed that was from whomever had d**gged us. I thought of asking at the desk who had checked us in. I thought of going to the police. But at each thought, I realized I’d have to recount what had happened, and I simply couldn’t do that. Even worse, Jess would have to tell, as well. So I couldn’t. I picked up my things and stood up. The room spun briefly, but I was okay.“Want to go home?” I asked her.She only nodded, not speaking. She got up and headed for the room door. She waited there for me to open it, and then we stepped out. We found our way to the lobby, and then I gave the ticket to the valet. I tried not to imagine everyone was staring at us with leering smiles on their faces. Jess still didn’t say a word.“Geeze, what day is it, even?” I wondered to myself. I glanced at a newspaper. It was Tuesday. We’d been.
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